Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ah - no. Previous post a bit premature

Now I've finished week 8. Going over the notes I realised I hadn't really looked at technorati so have done that too. I've claimed my blog but I'm not entirely sure what else I can do with tagging... might have to come back to this later.

Still on Week 8

Tadaa! finally have come to the end of week 8 with LibraryThing- there was a few things to go through in the one week. Thankfully I was able to use the same method as below to get a LibraryThing widget. I've only entered in a few books from memory- I'm not sure when I'll ever get the time to enter all my books but I think it's a great idea.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Okay worked out that I needed to go into "Layout", "Page Elements", "Add a gadget", "HTML/JavaScript" and then paste the html code I copied from delicious into that window. I did actually manage to do that last week- just didn't get the chance to post this. I'm slow but not that slow!

Nice try - FAIL

Okay so obviously enough time has passed to prove that whatever I tried didn't work . I'll try to look at my blogger settings to see if there's someway I can do it from here...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

de.li.cio.us - Still trying

Okay I should explain the post below - a picture of Blake Library at UTS was a test for a profile I had to set up for uni who knew this course would come in handy so quickly.

I am still trying to get my de.li.cio.us links to show up here somehow... sometimes it all seems so magical- in that way ignorance makes this more exciting - never knowing if what you attempted will actually work! if I knew what I was doing it would all just be too predictable. HA! I will tell myself anything to ease the pain of my frustration...

I set up a "job" in my de.li.cio.us account that has hopefully scheduled for something to magically appear some time in the next 24 hours - this somehow doesn't make complete sense even if it is scheduled to update at a certain time would some sort of box or something have already appeared on my blog? who knows but will give it a day and see what happens.